Monday 25 November 2019

Dog Photos

Not everyone likes my dog as much as I do.

Sunday 17 November 2019

Oh right. Noodles are messy....

They made a mess, but they also ate all of it, so whatever.

Monday 11 November 2019

A Parallel of Puppies: Snow Dogs

Olie would drag her face through the snow on walks. She'd push with her back legs and walk across someones lawn like this. Sometimes all you'd see is her butt and tail sticking out of a snow drift.
Akela purposefully looks for clumps of snow that have been packed tightly, so that they form a solid block. Not too solid that they are a ice cube, but not too soft that they fall apart when he picks them up and chomps on them.

Monday 4 November 2019

9-Year-Old-Me is So Ashamed

I"m still really happy about the stuff I got. 9-Year-Old-Me would've gone for just candy. Or that one time I bought a movie with Birthday Money.