Tuesday, 29 December 2015

I keep warning her she'll trip...

Today is Lucy's birthday! Happy birthday to my imperious niece! I was going to do a New Years comic but eh, lot's of birthdays in the family. I don't really do New Years Resolutions, but 2015 was fairly acceptable year. I did a lot of drawing and feel like I've improved (even if it doesn't quite reflect in these comics). 2016 seems like it's going to be a challenge, but hey, onward and upward and all that rot!
Happy New Year!

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Have a Super Christmas!

Tomorrow is my Mom's Birthday and Christmas Eve. Christmas blessings to you and your loved ones! I'll be taking a bit of a break over the next couple of days. So see you when I see you!

Monday, 21 December 2015

It worked on tv...

John was a little grouch. We were all watching him on the other side of the table, killing ourselves laughing. Well, muffled laughter because we didn't want to get in trouble. John wasn't allowed to leave the table for a while :P

Thursday, 17 December 2015


We then had a discussion about different types of squid.
As it's getting close to Christmas, I'm most likely going to take a bit of a break. I might post a comic on Monday, but after that I probably won't post anything until after New Year!

Monday, 14 December 2015

Well Rounded

Mostly A Family of Girls does not mean Mostly A family of Frilly Things.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Considerate Cat

When our old (old as in moved) neighbours used to go on vacation, they would ask me to come over and feed their cat Molson while they were away. Molson was a very clever cat and spent most of her time, while they were gone, doing mysterious cat things, since this was before it became law to keep pet city cats from wandering. Even though she was very independent, at least one day, while the neighbours were gone, Molson would get lonely. Usually this just meant I would hang out with her at their house for a bit, but one night she actually came to OUR door and wouldn't leave until I came and got her. She's probably the reason I still like cats even though I am allergic to them.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Not Much of a Hugger

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I can't stand being hugged.
If I haven't seen a person I'm close to in a long time, they often get a hug. And the nephews and nieces are always crawling on me and cuddling, but they're kids. In my strange mind, physical contact is a very important and private thing, used in cases of comfort and encouragement. I don't share it with everybody all the time because it feels untrue and awkward. If that makes any sense.

Monday, 7 December 2015


This inevitably happens with any toy that is sturdy and has wheels.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Adventures in Cooking: Absolute Power

I refer to this as "Little Red Hen Syndrome". I read the recipe, I mixed the ingredients, I placed in oven, and now I will eat the cookies myself. Dangerous thinking, because I want to eat them all in one go.